Natural Resource Investigations and Permitting

Wetland Delineation
Stream Delineation
Buffer Delineation

Wetlands and other natural areas have become one of the most limiting factors in property development. The likelihood of developing property to provide a positive monetary return is often upset by the “discovery” of previously unknown environmentally sensitive areas. Protocol Sampling Service, Inc. personnel are uniquely qualified to provide accurate and timely information about site conditions and to make recommendations for planning and management prior to the acquisition of the property. We are able to provide clients with expert guidance in jurisdictional determinations (wetland, stream, buffers) and mitigation (wetland, stream) and are familiar with the often complex and confusing permitting process associated with these natural areas.

Current wetland regulations require an analysis of soils, vegetation, and hydrology in order to determine whether land should be classified as wetland or upland. According to guidelines, three criteria must be present for a site to meet the definition of a wetland:

  • Hydric Soils
  • Hydrophytic Vegetation
  • Wetland Hydrology

Protocol Sampling Service, Inc. employs and networks with a full complement of accredited biologists, botanists, ecologists, and soil scientists who are trained and experienced in the delineation of wetlands using current federal and state guidelines.

Protocol Sampling Service, Inc.
environmental services in Raleigh, NC and beyond

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